Free December Watercolor Daily Planner Printable

Hello! It is December and I am trying to stay on top of the long list of to dos and appointments that the whole family is participating in. Usually, I just use a wall calendar for the month, but this time of year I am squeezing so many little tasks into the day that I felt like I needed a daily planner. So I sat down and designed the December Favorite Things daily planner page.

And of course I am sharing it here with you for free! I painted all new graphics for this planner and most of the writing is in handwritten calligraphy. There is a main part of the page separated by Morning, Afternoon, and Evening. Then on the side there is a section for To Dos. Don’t forget I also sell printed versions of everything on the Blog on the website if you rather have a physical products.

Just scroll down to the bottom of this post for the link to this FREE DECEMBER DAILY PLANNER PRINTABLE link.

Feel free to print up as many copies as you would like of this festive design. You can gift them to your favorite girlfriend and your awesome sister, too. Before you get planning away, make sure that you have the supplies you need! Below are some of my paid suggestions.

  • An inkjet printer (my favorite brand is Canon)

  • Thick TEXT weight paper

  • Good cutting scissors or a rotary cutter

  • Your favorite pens

I always suggest starting the process with a great printer. The better the printer the better the final product. I love the Canon printers. We have always used them in our stationery business. MAJOR TIP: Be sure to print on the photo paper setting to see the images turn out true to the original.

  1. Load your heavy text weight paper in the printer. I used a “natural white” Neenah text paper that gave it a warm tone. Print as many as you need. I started off with 7 for the week. Remember, you can share as many copies as you would like.

  2. Cut each page right down the middle so that you get two 8.5 x 5.5 inch pages. Use scissors or our favorite, a rotary cutter. We swear by the Dahle cutters. We use one of the larger format cutters. They are great because they self sharpen and stay as good as new for years even with everyday use.. Follow the link above to purchase a personal cutter.

  3. I used a paperclip to keep the pages together. I love the gold ones I have been using

  4. For pens I’ve been wanting to try out these, Mr. Pen No Bleed Pens. And if you want them to look even more dazzling, use some Sakura metallic gel pens.

I hope that this planner page will brighten up for December days.

I would love to see pictures of your planner in use! Email them to me at

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